Deep Reality

Why Source Science May Be the Key to Understanding Human Potential

Here are talks related to Deep Reality. See more at

Greg Moffitt Interviews Doug Matzke regarding Deep Reality

Greg Moffitt Interviews Doug Matzke regarding Deep Reality
Jul 11, 2021 by Doug Matzke
Just released a new Legalize-Freedom Audio Interview by Greg Moffitt regarding the Deep Reality Book. This is link contains the audio of the inteview. Also see same Audio Content on YouTube

Dr. Doug Matzke, has a PhD in quantum computing… he gets the physics to extended consciousness link.

Dr. Doug Matzke, has a PhD in quantum computing… he gets the physics to extended consciousness link.
Feb 16, 2021 by Doug Matzke
Alex Tsakiris has released the Skeptiko Interview  where we talk about the Deep Reality Book. He is very complementary about the work leading upto this book. A definite "must view" video about the Source Science Subjects.

What’s the Deep Reality beneath Quantum Computing?

What’s the Deep Reality beneath Quantum Computing?
Jan 19, 2021 by Doug Matzke

IEEE Talk on introduction to quantum computing plus how that motivated my book Deep Reality. Essentially Quantum computing is the gateway technology to the hyperdimensional reality of Source Science. Here are the links for YouTube Video Link to zoom Talk and PDF of Slides.

Article about: using our brain as an antenna

Oct 22, 2020 by Doug Matzke
Thanks to Sue Elliott for writing this early Article about: using our brain as an antenna describing her reaction to book materials and review of video.Thanks Sue for supporting these ideas from my book and I know Sue is a big fan of Law Of Attraction ideas.

Press Release for Deep Reality Book

Oct 19, 2020 by Doug Matzke
A press release was just published here: Deep Reality book Press Release

Deep Reality book is now available on Amazon

Oct 08, 2020 by Doug Matzke
Yes, the Deep Reality book is now available on Amazon as paper back and ebook. Click here: Amazon Link for Deep Reality

Motivation for Deep Reality

Oct 01, 2020 by Doug Matzke

This Deep Reality book was written by two PhD technologists who each have worked for over 50 years trying to understand how the human mind works, especially as related to both normal and transcendental experiences. The prevailing yet outdated model is that human brains are classical computers, and hence intelligence should be able to be artificially created using artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms and conventional computers.