Matzke & Varan: Quantum Mind, Source Love, Auras, Orbs, Near-Death/Spiritual/Dream Realities (Part 2)
Podcast Matzke & Varan: Quantum Mind, Source Love, Auras, Orbs, Near-Death/Spiritual/Dream Realities (Part2) interview with Valerie Varan from Quantum Psychology: Valerie Varan
Valerie Varan w Quantum Scientist Doug Matzke: Source of Quantum Mind, Quantum Reality & Spacetime (Part 1)
Podcast Valerie Varan w Quantum Scientist Doug Matzke: Source of Quantum Mind, Quantum Reality & Spacetime (Part 1) inteview with Valerie Varan from Quantum Psychology: Valerie Varan
Quantum Mechanics And The Near Death Experience w/ Quantum Doug
Podcast Quantum Mechanics And The Near Death Experience w/ Quantum Doug interview for IANDS - Int'l Assn. for Near-Death Studies - NDEs with Betty Guadagno
Quantum Discoveries - Hyper-dimensional Bit-physics - The Secret to Everything?
Podcast Quantum Discoveries - Hyper-dimensional Bit-physics - The Secret to Everything? interview Forbidden Knowledge News with Chris Mathieu
Scientist explains where we go when we die
Very fun interview on Awakened Minds Podcast with Natalie Rustichelli and Jimi Wilson. Click here for video.
The Spacelike and Entanglement Legacy of Mike Manthey (See All ANPA Talks)
Live Stream: Guest Quantum Doug | The Mind | A.I. | Sentience | Quantum Computing | Phi Balance with Phi Tribe.
Live Stream: Guest Quantum Doug | The Mind | A.I. | Sentience | Quantum Computing | Phi Balance with Phi Tribe. Click here for video link.
Focus 35 with Brandon Thomas and Phi Tribe
A spirited discussion about quantum mind on Expanding Consciousness Podcast with Brandon Thomas and Phi Tribe. Click here for video link.
Ego Dissolution

Quantum Consciousness with Quantum Doug Matzke
2022 IPI Christmas Lecture - Bit-Physics: How to bootstrap the universe using topological bits
The Hyperdimensional bit-physics Infrastructure beneath the Multiverse
The next engineering approach to Source Science Technology

The next engineering approach to Source Science Technology
A recent IEEE talk about Source Science Engineering can be found on YouTube.Coast to Coast interview with George Noory

New CoherentSpaces site related to Deep Reality

Post-Materialist Physics and the Search for a Deeper Reality

Skeptiko Interview: Is AI Evil?

Book Review of "Deep Reality" by David Lorimer

Book Review of "Deep Reality" by David Lorimer in Paradigm Explorer No 136 | 2021 vol 2
Expand Below or See No 136 here after joining network: Paradigm Explorer Issues
Join to View: Transcendent States from the Deep Reality of Quantum Bit Physics

Dr Doug Matzke – Transcendent States from the Deep Reality of Quantum Bit Physics
How does quantum information support transcendent states?
Deep Reality: The Extraordinary Understanding Of Our Sacred Nature & Human Potential

#182 This week, my amazing guest is Dr. Doug Matzke. Doug is a scientist, researcher, and presenter in areas such as hyperdimensional mathematics, quantum computing, real intelligence, and metaphysics. During our conversation today, we discuss Doug’s latest book, Deep Reality, and the new knowledge that it adds to the current discourse of quantum computing and the human potential. We talk about hyper dimensions, the law of attraction, lucid dreaming, and how we can grow our minds and heal ourselves if we can understand hyper dimensions.